Sunday, March 30, 2014

A question for Glenn Beck and The Blaze

Why is it I have to block more and more of the junk, trackers, ad servers, cookies, scripts etcetera ad nauseum, almost every time I visit your web site?  And the more stuff I have to block, the slower your site and it's pages load.

I'm on rather slow DSL not super high speed broad band.  When it takes 4 minutes just for your main page to load it kind of disincentives me to want to read your site for material I might want to use on my blog or to get information that I might like to read.

I counted 19 scripts that I HAVE to allow for your site to even load with their accompanying cookies, which leaves 21 other scripts and their cookies I have to block.

And it takes forever for your site to load on 80 kps DSL.

I temporarily authorized everything on your site and it took 7 minutes for everything on your site, including the ads, to load.

SEVEN MINUTES to load ONE page.

I am very seriously considering dropping the link I have on my blog to your site as your site actually has MORE trackers and ads than CNN or FoxNews, and is almost as bad as Facebook.

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