Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A teacher quits saying the system is broken.

"Susan Sluyter has been a teacher for more than two decades. One can imagine that she’s seen and adjusted to her fair share of change within the educational system during her 25 years in the field, but the more recent shift in requirements was so dramatic that she resigned last month.

“In this disturbing era of testing and data collection in the public schools, I have seen my career transformed into a job that no longer fits my understanding of how children learn and what a teacher ought to do in the classroom to build a healthy, safe, developmentally appropriate environment for learning for each of our children,” Sluyter wrote in her resignation letter to the Cambridge Public School District in Massachusetts in February."

Our society tries to quantify, and generalize education.  However it fails to take into account that every student is different.

Meanwhile, the teachers association and special interest groups do their best to make it "Easier" for children to learn and "Easier" on teachers by dumbing down the information.

Teacher get raises based not on whether their students can read, write, do arithmetic, and actually undestand their lessons.  But on whether or not they base some arbitrary test.

Teachers who try to actually teach are driven from the field, by their own district administrations because they don't want anyone to rock the boat. 

Lord help them if they actually had to "Do their job."

The rise of districts with more administrative staff than teachers, all being paid high wages than the teachers who are doing the primary job of educating our children.

How much longer before we get High School Graduates who can't even do simple math or read?

Oh, I'm sorry we already have that.

It's time to change if not tear the whole system down and start over from scratch.

First fire all the administrators.

Then start evaluating each and every teacher based on their students actual grasp of the materials they are already supposed to know.  Observe them in the classroom.  If the teacher cannot teach, fire them as well.

Take out all the old text books,  Start with the ones used in the 50's and "TEACH".

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