Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cover/Concealment/Real Cover

Granted this wasn't a full proper block wall.  And not all block walls are equal either.  Some are just stacked together, other are stacked and mortared, others yet, are stacked mortared and filled with sand, concrete, or foam.  There are some that appear to be concrete cinder blocks are actually full concrete all the way through.  There are blocks that have re-bar and concrete in them.

Unless you actually built that wall, you can never know if it is truly cover, or if it is merely concealment.

Think about it.


  1. Not gonna get that with a 5.56...

  2. I think it would depend on the bullet/load used. There are some 82 gr loads that I thing would do it coupled with their much high velocity over the the 7.62X39. I don't think it would be anywhere near that level of penetration though. But until someone does it to prove it, we don't know for sure.


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