Friday, March 21, 2014

Mike Weisser - Grey Lock Holsters - Ware Gun Shop - mikethegunguy

Is NOT ME.  From Ammoland;

"Manasquan, NJ --( Mike Weisser, proprietor of the Ware Gun Shop in Ware, MA is a con-man, deadbeat and enemy of the Second Amendment!

How can we make such bold statement?

Because we know first hand, fact is he owes AmmoLand Shooting Sports News for advertising we ran for him, when he was doing business as “Grey Lock Holsters” in 2012. On good faith we ran his ads, as we do with all our advertisers, and after making him loads of money he stiffed us for $1800.00, dodging all our phone calls and emails ever since.

Yeah we know. Having people steal from you happens in any business, we can deal with that, but here is the rub with this POS.

So called mikethegunguy, Mike Weisser, is basically a double agent agent working to undermine our second rights with his articles on his blog mikethegunguy, the Huffington Post and elsewhere on the web. ( common sense should tell any gunny that a so called pro gun writer for HUFPO is a joke )."

For the Record, MY name is "Mark" and I've been going by GreyLocke, (Notice the "E" at the end) since the early 90's, and while I've driven through Massachusetts, I do not and have never done business there or lived there.  I don't read the HuffPoS unless someone else is linking to an article there.  I pay my bills and I truly support our Second Amendment Rights.

There are a couple of other Grey Locke's out there 3 or 4 of them area also me, just modifications of my user name to help me deal with could storage and a few other issues.

There are so Greylocke's, Grey Lock's, Grey Locke's, Graylock's, Gray Locke's etc and they are NOT me.

Once again for the record.  My name is Mark and I live near Corpus Christi Texas.  And while I have several possibly commercial ideas that have the possibility to make money, I haven't started them due to the lack of funds/time on my part.

So no, I don't own any business other than this blog, and while I do get maybe 100 a year off of this it's not really a business.  As for my political views as I've stated them many times here on this blog, I am a rather virulent small "L" libertarian who believes government has too much influence, is too damn big, too damn intrusive in our lives and too dismissive of our Rights which are affirmed and guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

And while I have a couple of ideas about a some custom holsters, I ALSO have the e-mail address of Evyl Robot and HE DOES make holsters.  So if I need one built, he would be the one building it, NOT me. 

And while I USED to work on guns as an apprentice/assistant gunsmith in Missouri, my specialty is for the most part black powder rifle's, pistol's and revolver's and single and pump action cartridge shotguns.  However I worked under my former father in law and for a major repair center, I was never the licensee or on any of the business licenses.

UGH!  Let me sum this up.  I am in no way associated with "Grey Lock Holsters", "Mike Weisser", "Ware Gun Shop" or "Huffington Post".  And anyone who says different is a liar with a suspicious agenda or grossly misinformed.

H/t to Wisco Dave for the heads up.

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