Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Malware so good it took 5-7 years to be detected

"Today Kaspersky Lab’s security research team announced the discovery of “The Mask” (aka Careto), an advanced Spanish-language speaking threat actor that has been involved in global cyber-espionage operations since at least 2007. What makes The Mask special is the complexity of the toolset used by the attackers. This includes an extremely sophisticated malware, a rootkit, a bootkit, Mac OS X and Linux versions and possibly versions for Android and iOS (iPad/iPhone)."

Make sure you run MULTIPLE fully updated virus and malware scanners.  And do it several times a week.

Also if you are running a windows computer and have access to a factory boot disk, use it to boot your computer then run your scans and also run them in safe mode at least once a week.  This has the benefit of hitting your drive from different angles to check for rootkits, and bad drivers.

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