Saturday, April 19, 2014

License plate scanners and the IRS?

"The Internal Revenue Service and other U.S. agencies awarded about $415,000 in contracts to a license plate-tracking company before Homeland Security leaders dropped a plan for similar work amid privacy complaints."

So now since the hue and cry against local .GOV's use of the technology, the IRS steps up and will do it anyway to take the heat off of the local LEO's.

Could this rogue agency get any further off of it's actual job?

“Especially with the IRS, I don’t know why these agencies are getting access to this kind of information,” said Jennifer Lynch, a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco-based privacy-rights group. “These systems treat every single person in an area as if they’re under investigation for a crime -- that is not the way our criminal justice system was set up or the way things work in a democratic society.”

What happened to our Fourth and Fifth Amendment Rights?  Why does the IRS even NEED this technology?

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