Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Militarization of Police/Federal Agencies

THE LONG ARM OF THE LAW GETTING LONGER: The number of law enforcement agents, such as these from the Environmental Protection Agency, have grown in recent years. Photo:New Mexico Watchdog

"By Rob Nikolewski │ New Mexico Watchdog

SANTA FE, N.M. — In late February, four federal agents carrying side arms with a drug-sniffing dog descended on the Taos Ski Valley in what was called a “saturation patrol.”

Authorities were working on tips of possible drug selling and impaired driving in the ski resort’s parking lot and surrounding area.

But the agents weren’t from the FBI, ATF or even the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Rather, the agents represented the U.S. Forest Service."

So the EPA, NOAA, USFS, DOI, USFWS, BLM and countless other Federal Agencies are also arming up, with little proper oversight.

When your local PD or SO suddenly has a bunch of Full Auto weapons and a Armored Mine Resistant Vehicle how much should you worry?

And why now are all these various agencies suddenly getting armed officers and their own tactical teams?

"Aim of SWAT-Like Raid Was Student-Aid Fraud; Education Dept. Given Police Powers in 2002"

And the tactical teams are being used more and more for such innocuous things in order to justify their existance, and there are more and more tragedies because of it.

Jose Guerena shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jose Guerena - Huffington Post

"A 61-year-old man was shot to death by police while his wife was handcuffed in another room during a drug raid on the wrong house."

"Deputies approached the house, and what happened next is where things get murky. The deputies said they announced their presence upon entering and were met in the hallway by the 80-year-old man, wielding a gun and stumbling towards them. The deputies later changed the story when the massive bloodstains on Mallory's mattress indicated to investigators that he'd most likely been in bed at the time of the shooting. Investigators also found that an audio recording of the incident revealed a discrepancy in the deputies' original narrative:"

How many more people are going to die because of the cowboy, holier than thou attitude of these so-called "Tactical Teams"?

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