Thursday, April 10, 2014

Think about it

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s symbol is the sword, their message is revenge and terror. One year under the Brotherhood tore apart our unity. They divided our land and sold it to our enemies. They opened our borders widely for mercenaries and terrorists. They released terrorists from prisons to terrorize our community. It was either to rule us by force or burn everything in our homeland.

Brotherhood humiliated our humanity, dignity and pride. They raped childhood innocence at the age of 9. They cut girls hair in schools to force the veil. They practiced Circumcision against females to kill natural feelings given by god."

And the US under President Obama, The United Kingdom and a majority of the rest of the EU Countries STILL haven't declared the Muslim Brotherhood as a "Terroris Organization.

However, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Bahrain have done so.

Think about that.

Countries that are predominately Muslim have declared the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization.

What does that tell you?

Now think about this..

France: 18-year-old girl raped by 4 Muslim minors “because she is French and the French are all sons of whores”

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