Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Unsecurity on the border

"McALLEN, Texas (AP) — More than 100 Border Patrol agents from California and Arizona have been shifted to the southernmost tip of Texas, the country's busiest sector for illegal immigration, the agency announced Wednesday.

While arrests of immigrants who have entered the U.S. illegally have fallen or stabilized on other parts of the border, they've soared in South Texas, driven in large part by immigrants from Central America."

What the story doesn't say is the increases of crimes in the south Texas region.  From simple theft up to some violent crimes.  If you check the stats you will find some fudging on the part of several law enforcement agencies.  Assaults that were reported in the news are downgraded in official law enforcement reports.  And the crimes extend northward.

Recently not even 2 miles from my house the Sheriffs office attempted to pull over a minivan.  They finally got it stopped.  But they didn't get everyone inside of it.  The driver and 4 others got away.  But the Deputies did have 12 illegal immigrants including 1 child.  The 5 who got away?  As far as I know they still haven't been caught, but several homes have been broken into and in one house the homeowners dog was killed.

That was two miles, from my house.

In 1986 Ronald Reagan signed a bill into law that was supposed to end the problem of illegal immigration once and for all.  It didn't.  Why?

"What did the 1986 immigration law do? Two big things. First, there was the "amnesty" bit. Any unauthorized immigrants who had already been living in the United States continuously since 1982 became eligible for temporary legal status, after paying a $185 fee and demonstrating "good moral character." After 18 months, they could then become eligible for green cards, provided they learned to speak English."

The bills teeth had been dulled by special interest groups and lobbying groups, making it a sham.

And then we have;

"President Ronald Reagan signed that bill into law with great fanfare amid promises that it would grant legal status to illegal immigrants, crack down on employers who hired illegal workers and secure the border once and for all. Instead, fraudulent applications tainted the process, many employers continued their illicit hiring practices, and illegal immigration surged."

And concomitant  with all that illegal immigration we have an increase of crime.

"Immigrant gangs are considered a unique public safety threat due to their members’ propensity for violence and their involvement in transnational crime. The latest national gang threat assessment noted that Hispanic gang membership has been growing, especially in the Northeast and the South, and that areas with new immigrant populations are especially vulnerable to gang activity.  A large share of the immigrant gangsters in the most notorious gangs such as Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), Surenos-13, and 18th Street are illegal aliens. Their illegal status means they are especially vulnerable to law enforcement, and local authorities should take advantage of the immigration tools available in order to disrupt criminal gang activity, remove gang members from American communities, and deter their return. Once explained, these measures find much support, especially in immigrant communities where gang crime is rampant."


"Criminal street gangs—mostly comprised of illegal immigrants—are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the United States and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs."

So what can we do?

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