Thursday, April 3, 2014

What exactly is going on?

First it was said that the man they are looking for is a kidnapping suspect, then on this morning's news they change it to a man wanted for sexual assault of a child. Now unless I do a very specific search across 3 different news sites I can't even find the story at all. Here is KZTV 10's report which was a pain to find.

  "Rockport Manhunt- KZTV ROCKPORT, TEXAS- U.S. Marshals scoured an upscale island community in Rockport Wednesday night. Key Allegro was the focus of an intense manhunt with marshals checking all cars coming over the one bridge leaving the neighborhood. One resident told us they also went door to door saying they were looking for a kidnapping suspect, and showing a photo. Neither the marshals nor county authorities are confirming who that suspect is or why he's wanted."

Key Allegro is 7 miles from my house as a grow flies or walks, cutting through various properties in the way.  The island has several ways you can get off of it.  You can drive over the bridge, swim any of the channels.  Walk to the tip of the island and swim the small cut to the beach park where there are usually families with kids in the evening.   Let me give you a ma so you can see what I'm talking about.

The marker is where the bridge into/out of Key Allegro is.  You can see it wouldn't be hard to get off the island if you don't mind getting a little wet.  The cut above the marker?  It's so shallow there you can literally walk out about 100 yards before it will get up to your chest.  The cut between the park and the island is only about 10 feet deep and about 30 feet wide.  I've been at the beach with the kids and have swum it myself many times.  If you swim about 40 yards into Little Bay you can then stand up and walk to the McDonalds right on the main drag through town.

My main complaint about all this?

The county has an emergency notification system.


If my kids are sick and don't go to school, I get a call.  If there is an evacuation order in case of a hurricane, I get a call.

A child rapist/kidnapper is loose in the area.....


If I hadn't caught it on the news and my scanner, I never would have even known about it.  And even on my scanner, all I noticed was the increase in encrypted comms.  So I knew the U..S. Marshal's Service was in the area again.

But no official notices.  No phone calls.

Video moved below the fold because of autoplay


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