Thursday, May 1, 2014

A couple updates about the Tech issues in a previous post.

Remember this post?

Tech and Knowledge Issues

Well check out this two posts over at Ben Swann's site.  One is from January the other is from 2013.  But both should be required reading.

"Just moments before Applebaum’s CCC speech, Germany’s newspaper Der Spiegel dropped new revelations – probably the most revealing yet – showing the NSA’s vast backdoor access into systems worldwide. Applebaum, member of the Tor project, which is an Internet web browser dedicated to increasing anonymity, decided to gear his speech around the latest revelations. What came during Applebaum’s hour-long speech turned wake-up call, shook the room and YouTube views."


"If you think your privacy is safe with Google- think again. According to Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., who is co-chairman of the Congressional Privacy Caucus, “The new Google privacy policy is: You have no privacy.” Combine this with Google recently handing over more than 11,000 individuals’ personal information to the government, and you can probably see how this new standard feature could become a go to tool for those seeking to see and hear you without you knowing"

So you need to be even MORE careful.  As I doubt the NSA has backed off or rested on their laurels.  They probably have new tools and pieces of software to invade our privacy with.

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