Friday, May 23, 2014

Chicago Crime Stats? Lies?

SCC has a post up about it.

"Chicago Magazine has posted the second part of their series on how the Chicago Police Department manipulates statistics to make it appear that crime rates are falling faster than is actually possible.

Part one dealt with (mis)counting homicides.

Part two deals with lesser crimes - break-ins, car thefts, muggings, sexual assaults and such. The article cites numerous instances of "reclassification" by name, date and/or instance, mostly occurring in the 019 District. The article is precisely like part one, lengthy, detailed and damning. The amount of crime "washed and rinsed" is incredible."

Seriously, if you don't have SCC bookmarked, you need to do so.  To see just how it is inside the Socialist Bastion of Chicago.

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