Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mass Shootings - This guy gets it

"An FBI study on school shooters found school shootings are never a result of a crazy person “snapping.” Most shooters do have serious mental health or emotional issues, but they all plan their attacks months or even years in advance. And as they plan, they almost always “leak” information about the attack beforehand, sometimes intentionally, and sometimes in incredibly obvious ways."

Until we get back the Empathy we all used to have, the listening to people.  The leaning back and goign "That fella ain't right, he needs help."  And then actually DOING something about it instead of thinking it's someone elses problem.  We will continue to have these murders happening.

1 comment:

  1. "Snapping" indicates a change from reasonably sane to insane with a good chance of returning to sane condition later "talking down from the ledge".

    The FBI report is reporting an answer to a question no one asked. It is still crazy people being crazy.


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