Thursday, May 22, 2014


Remember the big harum scarum about Metadata? And how the Obama Administration said it wasn't really THAT bad?

"Remember that pesky scandal where it was revealed the NSA collects metadata on U.S. citizens? Remember how many people (from both sides of the aisle) blew it off as nothing we should worry about; that it was a vital part of our national security efforts?

Now we learn from the former head of the NSA that the United States uses metadata to decide who to kill. Not in the United States (yet), but definitely overseas."

That's right...

That Metadata that has been collected is being used to KILL people.

Tell me again why it ISN'T bad for the government to collect it again?

1 comment:

  1. Yep, those 'little' things are ALL used... We're all on lists, just depends on which one they decide to 'elevate'...


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