Thursday, May 22, 2014

InsuranceCompany Bailouts?

"The Obama administration has quietly adjusted key provisions of its signature healthcare law to potentially make billions of additional taxpayer dollars available to the insurance industry if companies providing coverage through the Affordable Care Act lose money.

The move was buried in hundreds of pages of new regulations issued late last week. It comes as part of an intensive administration effort to hold down premium increases for next year, a top priority for the White House as the rates will be announced ahead of this fall's congressional elections.

Administration officials for months have denied charges by opponents that they plan a "bailout" for insurance companies providing coverage under the healthcare law."

This isn't recent.  There has been talk of this for at least 8 months that I know of.

I"ll make a prediction.  Sometime before the next Presidential Election, there will be a MASSIVE bailout.  And as a part of that the Dems and RINOs will step up with a plan to take over all the companies, paving the way for the vaunted single payer system.

What do you think?

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