Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Veterans Administration Scandal grows even more disgusting and troubling

I won't excerpt the stories, but you really should check out the following links.

Texas VA Run Like a ‘Crime Syndicate,’ Whistleblower Says

VA investigators: Delayed care is everywhere

1,700 vets not on official wait list at Phoenix VA facility, preliminary report finds

Read those news stories.  If you think that the growing VA Scandal is just an aberration, realize that this has been ongoing with the Veterans Administration for at LEAST 15 years that I am aware of.  From having friends who cannot get care, to paperwork mishaps requiring the resubmission of paperwork and documentation multiple times.

I KNOW that there are VA employees who actually "CARE" about doing their jobs.  I've met quite a few of them and I have a couple from California, Oklahoma, and New Mexico that show up in my logs several times a week.  However, the upper MANAGEMENT at the VA, they seriously need to be revetted as to whether or not they are performing their jobs properly and giving proper, prompt care for our Veterans.

If you work for the VA and read my blog, please if you see something wrong, contact the IG and report it.  Our veterans gave so much for our country, for them to be treated like this is horrifying.  Please help put a stop to it and get our Veterans the proper care the deserve.

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