Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Nine Dogs and 3 Cats

That is how many animals claim me in my house.  If you want to be totally truthful only one of the cats is mine.  The rest of the animals belong to other family members and friends.  Or they're supposed to anyway.

While you have seen pictures of my cat Tufts here on the blog a few times I don't really post pics of the other animals that much.  Why?  Because technically they aren't mine.

However, they all seem to claim ME.

Four of the dogs belong to my ex-wife, and they usually don't want anything to do with her unless she has treats.  For her dog Gemma, well Gemma does her absolute best to avoid almost anyone in the house except me and sometimes my oldest daughter.  Then there is her dog Skeeter (Deeter) Brown.  She got him from one of her clients (She does home health care) and he is a Chiweiner that is so allergic to fleas when she brought him to the house he had no hair and I thought he had mange.  Then there is another dog she got from another client, she calls him Clay, I call him Brownie most of the time.  He looks like a hound dog just not as heavily muscled, but he's got the hound howl down perfect.  Then there "Bruno" who I call Pooper.  He answer to Pooper more readily than he does to Bruno.  And he got the name Pooper because he would poop over everything ESPECIALLY my boots.

Pooper and Brownie will go back to my Ex's house every once in awhile.  Maybe 2 or 3 days out of the month.  The rest of the time they are either out in the yard or in the house trying to get into my room to lay on my bed.  Gemma and Skeeter sleep in my room and on my bed almost EVERY night.  Skeeter will lay next to me until I pull the blanket over me, then he dives under the blanket and heads to my knees to sleep next to my leg.  Gemma will take the corner of the foot of the bed and sleep there.

Then we have my 3 daughters dogs.  Eldest has two, Kyah a Sharpei mix and Stella a Shepherd/Lab mix , who always try to get into my room to take over my bed.  Second eldest has one, Layla who has claimed me so completely Sprog #2 says she can never take her with her when she finally moves away as it would kill Layla.  And third daughter aka Sprog #4's dog Ariel, a Teacup Chihuahua who is about twice the size she is supposed to be.

Layla, Ariel, Skeeter and Gemma are in my room almost all the time.  Layla rarely leaves it unless I do.  And she and Ariel are also blanket burrowers.

Finally there is Kilo.  My friend Darnell and her Daughter Shelby's dog.  I don't know what kind of mix he is but he is heavier than Kyah who is twice his size.  And he like Kyah is all muscle.  He spends about half his time in my room either trying to sleep on me, next to Gemma or on the floor by the door.

If there is a bad storm coming ALL OF THEM try to get into my room and on the bed with me.  ALL of them.

Then there is Tufts, who you know if you've been reading my blog for awhile, Baron White an all white cat with a stump of a tail and his ears lay flat because he has tumors growing in them and Samantha.  Samantha is a short haired american standard, that gray/white/black stripey looking cat.  If you have seen one of my pictures of Tufts, same coloration just short haired.

Tufts either tries to take over my pillow or my computer keyboard.  Samantha takes over either my pillow or the top of the bookcase.  Baron White takes over either the foot of my bed or my chest unless Kilo is laying there.

I love all of these furry kids, however it would be nice to be able to go to sleep, at least once a month, by myself!!

If I can find the good camera again, I'll post up some pics of all them and we'll see if any of my readers can figure out their names :)

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