Friday, June 13, 2014

Some Tea Party Groups

 prove themselves to be just like the Main/Moderate Republican Party.

"According to a Washington Post report, the six largest national Tea Party groups have spent more than $37.5 million on the mid-terms so far. However, only $7 million of the spent donations have actually gone directly to candidates. Where did the other $30.5 million go? Well, it goes directly into their family members’ pockets for ‘consulting fees’, giving themselves lucrative benefit packages, paying themselves $272k/year salaries, and even spending $52k in interior decorating fees for one of their fancy Capitol Hill town-homes. How fiscally conservative of them."

I know of local groups that are out there busting their butts and they are almost begging just to pay for the postage bill.  And di you know what?  None of them receive a paycheck.  They are ALL volunteers.

However, it seems to me a bunch of "Professional" Organizers have done set themselves up with the "Tea Party" name and are reaping the benefits and raping the pocketbooks of those who donate.

What say you?

Am I right?

Or am I just, Whistling Dixie?

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