Wednesday, June 18, 2014

There is something severely wrong

"Marion Zimmer Bradley was convicted on a federal child pornography charge prior to her marrying the homosexual child molester Walter Breen and editing one of his books defending pedophilia. Bradley's own daughter has publicly stated that her mother raped her on more than one occasion. One of Bradley's lesbian lovers testified in a 1998 legal deposition that she was aware Marion Zimmer Bradley sexually harassed and tortured her own daughter, and raped her own son as well.

SFWA purged me from its ranks for a single tweet, but has not yet seen fit to purge Marion Zimmer Bradley despite her many sex-related crimes dating back to the 1950s. They have not revoked the two Nebula nominations given to a known child molester and a magazine named after her. SFWA still features an RIP notice for Marion Zimmer Bradley, as well as a listing for Bradley's literary estate and the agent for that estate on its Internet site. (However, it is interesting to note that SFWA never awarded her any distinction as a Grand Master or Author Emeritus whereas she received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the World Fantasy Convention in 2000, which suggests that some SFWA officers were probably aware of her problematic history.) But SFWA's Nebula-winning members and former officers are still writing and publishing laudatory articles about the confirmed child abuser, some as recently as last week."

Vox's post has MANY embedded links which bear out what he and others have written.

Seriously, you need to go look, read and ask yourself, "Just what is wrong with those people".

For they truly are so deluded that they can not see the harm they are tacitly allowing by refusing to denunciate a KNOWN Rapist, Child Abuser, Child Molester and Pedophile.

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