Saturday, July 5, 2014


 I knew I wasn't crazy.  I've been remembering this interview from many years ago that I read in a Playboy Magazine.  And I finally remembered enough about it to tweak my Search Terms to find a copy of it.

"The subject of this interview is an explosives expert who worked for 20 years
designing assassination devices for the CIA while holding various cover jobs
in military, research and development. While still in high school, he was
regularly approached by CIA contacts with requests for poisons, explosives,
guns, silencers and specially designed gadgets for killing or incapacitating
people. He worked his way through a number of employers during this period
and finally, ended up director of research at a large, well known firearms
manufacturer, where he continued to do work for the CIA as well as
implement Projects for the gun company, which in turn, sold its work to the

His career began in the early Fifties. In the late Sixties, he-had two heart
attacks. His absence from work in as many years due to illness finally. forced
him to quit and in 1970 he ,had his last official contact with the CIA. At this
meeting, he said he did not want to do any more work for the agency. For a
number of months, they followed him, thinking that he was running guns to
radicals or showing them how to build terrorist weapons.. They finally left him
alone, as far as he was able to tell.

To establish his credibility, I verified that he did hold the jobs he claims to
have held. In addition to this, I saw extensive documentation, of the type work
he was doing. He also showed me. several devices that he had built for the
CIA, including a modified butane 'cigarette lighter that fired a tiny poisoned
dart capable of Penetrating a heavy coat, He brought out an explosive
.22-caliber bullet, which I tested in the presence of a firearms expert. It did
explode. His activities were also verified by others in the intelligence
community, who are involved in similar fields. And, finally, he was given a
series of lie-detector tests, which indicated that he was telling the truth.

The subject wanted to remain anonymous to protect his family. Chemical and
material names have been deleted in some cases to avoid providing a "cook
book" of weapons and tactics,

Q: During the Senate select committees investigation of intelligence activities
of the CIA, chairman Frank Church was shown a "poison dart gun" by William
Colby, former CIA director. during the week of September 15, 1975, this was
shown on television and on the front pages of newspapers around the
country. Do you know anything about that gun?
A: I must have seen half a dozen different dart guns at one time or another,
because I was testing either ballistics or methods of applying poisons. The
one in the Church committee was said to be electric. I doubt that very much.
The electric guns I saw used magnetic bullets, but they had to be much

Q: Do you think the CIA was lying?
A: It wouldn't be the first time."

This was going on in the 50's and 60's.  And with more recent revelations of targeted assassinations by our government, how can we be sure they haven't refined their technology and techniques to the point the Perfect Assassination is now possible?

And how can we possibly protect ourselves?

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