Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Border Security

Remember THIS post I wrote a few days ago? And remember this OTHER post?  Where I write about certain things being found but NOT appearing on the news, or being talked about in other places.

Well now there is something written about it.

“We’ve found Korans, prayer rugs and many other unusual items at the border that certainly raise concern,” the agent said."

That's about 85-100 miles from my house.  And it's STILL not on the major news channels.  Why is that?

Who would have the authority to STOP information like that from getting out?

Someone like James Clapper and the Administration.  (That links to HuffPo sorry)

What ELSE isn't being reported?  What hasn't been told not just to the media or by the media, but what hasn't been told to Congress?

How much are we being kept in the dark about this?

And how much is known that  is being suppressed?

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