Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Do you like you privacy?

Did you know that just because you try to maintain your on-line privacy, you are now considered a threat by the NSA and targeted for scrutiny?

"NSA targets the privacy-conscious

von J. Appelbaum, A. Gibson, J. Goetz, V. Kabisch, L. Kampf, L. Ryge

The investigation discloses the following:

Two servers in Germany - in Berlin and Nuremberg - are under surveillance by the NSA.
Merely searching the web for the privacy-enhancing software tools outlined in the XKeyscore rules causes the NSA to mark and track the IP address of the person doing the search. Not only are German privacy software users tracked, but the source code shows that privacy software users worldwide are tracked by the NSA.
Among the NSA's targets is the Tor network funded primarily by the US government to aid democracy advocates in authoritarian states.
The XKeyscore rules reveal that the NSA tracks all connections to a server that hosts part of an anonymous email service at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It also records details about visits to a popular internet journal for Linux operating system users called "the Linux Journal - the Original Magazine of the Linux Community", and calls it an "extremist forum".

It is a small server that looks like any of the other dozens in the same row. It is in a large room devoted to computers and computer storage, just like every other room in this industrial park building on Am Tower Street just outside the city of Nuremberg. That the grey building is surrounded by barbed wire seems to indicate that the servers' provider is working hard to secure their customers' data.

Yet despite these efforts, one of the servers is targeted by the NSA.

The IP address is explicitly specified in the rules of the powerful and invasive spy software program XKeyscore. The code is published here exclusively for the first time.

After a year of NSA revelations based on documents that focus on program names and high-level Powerpoint presentations, NDR and WDR are revealing NSA source code that shows how these programs function and how they are implemented in Germany and around the world."

I KNOW for a fact that the NSA or someone from the government has been surveilling me.  How?  When my phone starts doing strange thing like suddenly the screen flashes and within 20 minutes the fully charged battery is dead.  Well someone just activated my phone and copied my full SD card.  I hope they like all of my e-books such as the FM- 31-210, FM 5-31, FM 7-20, FM 7-8, MCRP 3-40.3C, IS0871,SH 21-76, FM 3-05.213, TC 31-73, MP 1005, TC 18-01, Household Cyclopedia, ST 31-91B, FM 21-11, Boy Scouts Pioneering Manual, The entire Honor Harrington Series, Posleen Series, Paladin of Shadows series I'm missing the newest one, and a few other series of novels.  In all out of the 8 GB on my SD card over 5 of it is e-books.  2 GB is mp3's the rest is to move app off of my phone memory.  I'm planning on modifying my KTD Project so all of the main CD3WD files can be used from a 16 GB SD card.  My phone won't support a larger SD card so that's what I'm going to experiment with.

I also KNOW for a fact my kids phones have been messed with and someone has tried to hack all of the computers here at the house and the router.  I've found certain files on my son's computer that when opened with a HEX editor show some weird things.  A few friends "In The Know" have had me get rid of those files and actually over write some of my son's system files with back up copies because, their verbiage, "The HASH attributes are wrong".  I've also found many attempts to hack my router in the logs.  Two of the IP addresses resolve back US Military IP Addresses.  I seriously doubt the Navy or the Air Force would try to hack my router., and since the military usually runs pretty tight security protocols, so it's probably their buddies in the NSA, since the CIA usually uses IP addresses from the UK, Germany or the Netherlands according to my "friends".

Like I said, "I KNOW" I am under NSA surveillance.  I've visited sites and downloaded MANY programs for Net Anonymity, and Privacy.  So according to their protocols I am to be viewed as a possible "Threat"

I personally think that's funny.  To be considered a threat.  I'm a 46 year old cripple with kids and I believe that the Oath I wore in 1985 when I joined the Army Reserves still applies.  And so the NSA will waste their time watching me, and my kids instead of watching people like ohhh I don't know Drug Cartels that are getting paid to help run certain person of Middle East Extraction.  You know the ones slipping through the net at the borders because they are suddenly overwhelmed with the influx of "Unaccompanied Minors"  I know for a FACT the terrs are getting in.

Over my scanner the other day, PD in the next town over tried to pull over a van.  Van ran and finally ditched in the county I live in.  Everybody bailed.  The PD and Sheriff's office only caught 6 out of the minimum 18 people in the van.  In the van was found a bag that had newspaper from Saudi Arabia a Koran and several hundred dollars in cash.

I waited for the news that night to report it.  Never a WORD on the news.  Not on their web site, not on the papers website or in the paper, NOTHING about a group of at least 12 people one of whom was probably from the Middle East.

So why am I being surveilled?  I'm not a threat.  Yet, because I don't like the idea of people watching what I do online, according to the government, I AM a threat.

I'm sorry folks, if you want to surveil me, GET A WARRANT.  Otherwise don't bother me.

p.s. Yes in the e-books on my phone I do have the field manuals for improvised munitions, boobytraps, Infantry Maneuver, Antennas, Medical Manuals, and other errata.  The information is freely available, and just because I have the information doesn't mean I USE it.  But it is cool to read and twice information from the FM 31-210 has actually helped me with temporary circuits here in the house until the electrician got here.  I also have various construction manuals such as what is in the KTD Extra Files section on my phone.  If you look in my KTD Project though you will see I DO NOT include any of those manuals in it.  If someone wants to get them themselves though they are available in 100's of places on the web for free.

Aaaaaaannnnnndddd I am rambling.......

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