Sunday, July 6, 2014

End Times Harping

I have posted links to a certain novel many times.  It used to be available free from the Baen Free Library, which is where I got my my first copy.  After reading it, I went out and purchased the paperback of it.  This plus another book also from John Ringo this time with Linda Evans published by Baen Publishing as well have both made me look around at the world around myself. Coupled with my interest in Military History and how certain wars have started, they paint a very frightening promise of a possible future, yet to come.

The first novel is "The Last Centurion", and I am rereading it again.  For what may be the 5th time.  The discussions about the Ants and the Grasshoppers/Locusts and the comparisons of Lamoille County and Blackjack.  The Random Associator, the High Trust/Low Trust areas.  All of those, I read the words and think about the intentional divisiveness being fostered right now in our country.  Coupled with reports of Ebola and other health crises, and I'm wondering just what is going to happen once all the World Cups attendees get home to their own countries.

The Second book I referenced also used to be available through the Baen Free Library and after reading it I also bought a copy of it as well.

This second novel makes me look at what our government is really doing, and where the road it has set us on will lead to.

This book is "The Road To Damascus". 

Believe me, read those two novels, and look at our world today.  And then look to the history of our world.

World War One, World War Two, Kristalnacht, The Soviet Union, and hundreds of other examples.

Seriously read them and look around.

And if you still say or think that there is nothing wrong with the path we are being led down, then you are willfully blind and ignorant.

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