Thursday, July 10, 2014

EPA can garnish your wages and TSA raise fees, Peter has urgent news

"The Environmental Protection Agency has quietly claimed that it has the authority to unilaterally garnish the wages of individuals who have been accused of violating its rules.

According to The Washington Times, the agency announced the plan to enhance its purview last week in a notice in the Federal Register. The notice claimed that federal law allows the EPA to "garnish non-Federal wages to collect delinquent non-tax debts owed the United States without first obtaining a court order."

If a regular bill collector needs a judgement to garnish your wages, what makes the Government think it is special and not have to follow the same laws for any so called "Bill" or "Invoice"

"ROANOKE, Va. - If you're a frequent flyer, the price you pay for tickets is going up in a matter of weeks. The hike in fares is thanks to increased Transportation Safety Administration fees, meant to keep travelers safer.

The TSA Security Screening fee or the September 11th security fee goes up on July 21st.

It's expected to jump from $2.50 to $5.60 per leg with no cap, but travelers we spoke to are on board"

And now the TSA is getting in on the act. In case you haven't figured out what these both are it has nothing to do with the environment or transportation security, and everything to do with raising money not through actual taxes that for the most part are NOT reported to Congress or the GAO.  That's right!!  Raise the rates and start stealing from any scofflaw we think we can.  It'll cost people money to try to fight this so the Government figures they'll just roll over and take it in the rear without too much squabbling.

Yup, that's right.  We are now supposed to be so cowed that we will willingly ignore more over reach by the government that DIRECTLY affects our pocketbooks.

There are no blood covered walls, you can leave any time, pay no attention to the saw sound and all of the screaming.  Everything is ok, just turn over your wallet.

And Peter links to Karl Denninger again and adds his own commentary.

"Remember this folks -- we invented out of whole cloth six times as much economic activity as actually existed. We pretended that it existed by creating credit out of thin air without anything behind it. That credit got spent on consumption exactly as if it was wealth created from past production and had exactly the same effect on stimulating demand as if the funds came from that past production.
. . .
Utterly nobody in media or government wants to deal with this. When I raised this very issue several years ago with Congressional offices (including but not limited to Cathy McMorris-Rodgers staff), particularly during the debt limit mess a few years ago, it was dismissed with complaints that we "can't" deal with that because it would mean massive spending cuts that are politically impossible."

Here is the section that should REALLY scare you.

"Germany's cabinet Wednesday approved plans to force creditors into propping up struggling banks beginning in 2015, one year earlier than required under European-wide plans that set rules for failing financial institutions."

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