Saturday, July 5, 2014

Herd Immunity

Over at the "Nerds" there is a guest post about the Anti-Vaccinationists and the harm they are doing to the health of our kids.

Click the link below and go read it.  It is VERY informative.

"Media coverage in the 2000’s focused on isolated cases, the uncertainty about adverse events, vaccine schedule spacing, the theoretical link (and the disproving of said link) between vaccines and autism, and, in some cases, what the future might look like if vaccination rates continued to drop. The coverage in the past few years has been about that future – we are now living in an era of major communicable disease outbreaks. Measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and whooping cough are all making a comeback in a big, flashy way; Google any one and you’ll find at least several cities with major outbreaks going on at the moment."

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