Monday, July 21, 2014

How they make Ramen Noodles

The first thing you see is the dough coming out and going over a series of rollers to ensure the dough is the right thickness and to allow the dough to rest.

Then you see it get cut into strips and cut again into the smaller wiggles.  Yes those are actually cut, not forced through die to form the noodles.

Then through a steam oven to cook the dough into noodles

After they are steam cooked they are cut and put into trays and baked/dried slightly for the next step.

Which is frying to get rid of the remainder of the water and make the noodles crisp and preserved for packaging.

After frying they are inspected and head down to packaging where they sauce packet is placed on the noodles and it runs through the packager.

After it goes through the packager and the ends are heat sealed the noodles are boxed up and sent out..

I found this video through a video posted at The Ramen Rater

Now I can tell you about how this is done because many many years ago I worked at an Onion Ring Factory.  Which was owned by Foodbrands, then Tyson then 2 other companies I can't remember.  I think one of them was USF. 

But part of my training as a Fryer Operator was watching a video of a Ramen Noodle Plant where they showed the entire making of Ramen noodles.  However they had a fire in the fryer hoods and my training was on how to deal with that as the people at the Ramen plant didn't do it properly and they lost their building to the fire.

We had a few fires in our hood system as well, but we had those put out before the Fire Department even left their station.  All we needed was the Fire Marshal to sign off on our repairs and ok us to go back to work.

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