Thursday, July 17, 2014

Modification to the KTD Project

I've been working on a modification to the KTD Project and I need some assistance with it.

If you will remember the KTD Project is a bootable USB Thumbdrive running Knoppix, which is a version of Debian Linux which boots most PC's from a USB Port.  It has the old CD3WD Third World Technology Files and a set of Extra files, mostly US Military Manuals on it.

I have been experimenting with using Micro SD memory cards that hold just the CD3WD files and the Extra files I put together on it.

My thoughts were to create a .ISO image which can be burned to the Micro SD card and then used in either an Android Cell Phone OR an Android Tablet.

I'm finding that the browser on my Android 2.2 Tablet and on my Android 2.3.7 Cell Phone won't read/access the files correctly.

So does anyone know a work around to allow the browser to view the files directly from the phone/tablet?

Also if anyone would like to help test the new version on their own Android based phone or tablet, I would appreciate the help.

If you are an App developer or would like a copy of the KTD Project on a Micro SD card for your android device please send me an e-mail through the Greylocke e-mail address over on the right side of the page under where it says "Send a Missive"  If you are reading this on your phone or mobile device you can also click on my name below and go to my user profile where my e-mail is also listed.

If you want the KTD Project on a Micro SD card you will have to send me a new still in the package 32 GB Micro SD card and a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.  I will burn the ISO to the Micro SD card and mail it back to you.

As part of your payment for this, you will need to test the files and let me know how well you can access the files, if there are any glitches or holes.

I would really like to put out an updated .ISO of this project by Mid August.

I also would like to set up ways to spread the project even further with KTD Party's  Where one or two people bring in laptops with the .ISO on them and they can burn the .ISO's to people who attend own Micro SD or USB Thumbdrives.

If you are interested in that part as well, please send me an e-mail also.

I am still working on the UTD-1A project however I need someone local to me who has CNC Tooling and/or a 3D Printer to help me with that.

Again, if you want to help with that, send me an e-mail.

And for my NEXT Project.

I need help putting together a Free Reference and Education Library.

I would like to put together a complete library for everyone from Homesteaders/Preppers/Home-schooler's.

With Copyright Free texts on everything from small engine mechanics and repairs to veterinary and everything in between including a full k-12 education.  I'd like it to include a full free modern encyclopedia and other reference materials, Unabridged Dictionary, Thesaurus, PDR, etc.

That is a MAJOR challenge.  And not one I can easily do myself.  So if you can or know of someone who might be able to help, please once again, send me an e-mail.

If you are an educator and would like to provide some input, I'd be glad to have it.  If you can help assemble the proper texts that are free I'd be even more glad to have your help.

I know this would have to be in sections and sub-sections and that right there is where I need a lot of help.  To ensure everything goes into it's proper place.

And this project will be FREE.

It just needs to be downloaded.  I'm hoping to be able to fit it onto a 32 GB SD/Micro SD or USB Thumb Drive like the KTD Project.

The largest problem I'm seeing with it after assembling all of the information is to make it easily searchable so people can find the information they need quickly and easily.

Just another thing I'll need help with.

So please if you think you might be able to help with any of my projects, send me an e-mail.

I don't get paid for any of this and I try to do as much of this myself that I can.  But I also know I have limits to just what I can and cannot do.  So I need help.

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