Sunday, July 13, 2014

We are a plane ride away from an epidemic or pandemic

"The worst outbreak of Ebola moved to Sierra Leone’s capital of Freetown where an Egyptian was found with the city’s first confirmed case of the disease.

The unidentified Egyptian national had traveled from Kenema, the largest city in the nation’s Eastern Province, and checked into a clinic east of Freetown, Sidie Yahya Tunis, director of Information, Communication and Technology at the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, said by phone today. The person was moved back to the Ebola center in Kenema, he said."

All it would take is one person who is infected getting on a plane and possibly infecting an entire plane load of passengers.

Ebola is not an airborne Virus, however one person infected could possibly infect one of the flight crew and then you have the makings of an epidemic or possibly pandemic

The Spanish Flu of 1918 was a pandemic.  The Black Death of 1346-1353 was a pandemic.  Plague has surfaced here in the US in San Francisco California in 1900-1904.

Right now Ebola is an epidemic in Africa.  However as I said above, it is one plane trip away from possibly becoming a pandemic and killing or sickening millions of people.

Right now we have immigrants coming into the US testing positive for Tuberculosis, Scabies, and who knows what else.

Remember all it takes is one person to transmit any one of these diseases.  And right now, with the borders of the EU, the US and many other countries being so porous expect outbreaks to happen worldwide.

Personally I'm expecting the main outbreak of TB and possibly a resurgence of Smallpox to happen in Mexico within the next 4-6 months.  And then we will find it migrating into the US through our porous southern border.  We might also start to see recurrences of the plague as well once again starting in California due to the Scabies outbreak that I'm sure will be happening in the next 2-3 months.  The mites like fleas can travel greatly, especially in packed buses just full of people in close physical contact.

Note this.  I am making these predictions based on various things I've researched.  News articles, scientific journals, talking to border patrol agents and law enforcement, talking to local health care workers.

So if any of my predictions come true don't think I had anything to do with it.  I'm just basing my predictions on what I'm seeing and reading and hearing.

Oh and the smallpox prediction comes from several sources,even though it is supposed to be eradicated there are other forms of it, such as Monkey Pox, which IS human transmissible.  As well as Bird Flu, Swine Flu and many others.  And there may be parts of the Small Pox virus latent inside humans just waiting for the switch to flip and become active again.

What can cause that switch to flip?

Crowded, humid, filthy living conditions.  Lack of proper medical care or hygiene. Thousands of people in close contact in those condition could cause a switch to flip.

And you have your next super virus that could kill thousands and possibly millions of people.

And what is our government doing to prevent this?

Not a damn thing.  In fact they are bringing about the conditions which are almost certain to flip the switch, all for some political gain.

What can you do?

The largest thing you can do to help prevent yourself and your family getting sick is also the easiest.

Personal hygiene.

Keep yourself, your homes, places of work as clean as possible.  Bathe daily, wash your clothes properly using the hottest water you can.  Keep your kitchen and food preparation areas as clean as possible, use diluted bleach to wipe down surfaces.  Wash your hands constantly.  You don't NEED to use an anti-bacterial soap, just plain soap and hot water will do the job.  Use paper towels to dry your hands, damp washcloths are just breeding ground in warm, humid bathrooms.

Get some filter masks and keep them handy.  I keep 2 N-95 masks and 5 pairs of nitrile gloves in the cargo pocket of my shorts in a ziplock bag if I need them.  I also keep a small bottle of alcohol based hand sanitizer in the pocket as well.  If you go to the Dr's office/emergency room/hospital for ANY reason wear a mask.  That is where sick people go, and you don't want to get sick.

If you get any cuts or scrapes take care of them properly.  Use betadine or alcohol to clean them not hydrogen peroxide and cover them with a clean bandage.  Change your bandage several times a day and keep it clean.

You want to take as many preventative measures as you can to keep from getting sick.  You will note I carry hand sanitizer with me.  Have you noticed how many chain store restrooms don't have "HOT" water?  At best they have lukewarm water.  That won't kill germs.  They want to save money on the electric or gas bill so the hot water isn't hot.  So use a hand sanitizer.

Make sure yours and your families immunizations are all up to date.  And get your yearly physical while you are at it including the blood work.

Just in case what I'm praying doesn't happen DOES happen, make sure your paperwork is all up to date.

Your will, power of attorney for your kids, in case something should happen to you.  Do you have funeral insurance?  Do you want to be buried or cremated?  If you don't have the documentation your family won't know.  So get it all in writing.  Make sure your and your families birth certificates and social security cards are secured.  My families paperwork is in a fireproof safe and I have a key and my mother has a key. 

Just in Case.

Remember that phrase.

Just in Case.

That is why you are making all these preparations.  Just in Case something DOES happen. 

You won't be taken by surprise and can possibly mitigate the effects as much as possible.

There is probably a lot I haven't covered and you might have ideas or suggestions.  Well that's what the comment section is for.

So chime in.

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