Friday, August 8, 2014

A tick bite could make you allergic to meat?

"A bug can turn you into a vegetarian, or at least make you swear off red meat. Doctors across the nation are seeing a surge of sudden meat allergies in people bitten by a certain kind of tick.

This bizarre problem was only discovered a few years ago but is growing as the ticks spread from the Southwest and the East to more parts of the United States. In some cases, eating a burger or a steak has landed people in the hospital with severe allergic reactions."

Is there nothing more dangerous?  Think about it.  How much of the proteins consumed here in the US is meat?  And not just meat but red meat?

Hamburgers, hotdogs, steak, roasts, briskets, and how much other red meat products find their way into our diets?

You might be thinking to yourself that I am over exaggerating, but think about it.  If one of the least expensive proteins suddenly cannot be consumed what other proteins are there that those people can eat?  And how much of them are available?

Go back to the law of supply and demand.

Right now due to the drought and other factors any proteins, meat, peanuts, milk chicken, turkey, seafood, eggs, beans and a few others.

According to the article for some of the people afflicted by this allergy even milk and dairy triggers the reaction.  So that takes out just one more protein available.

Many people already suffer from seafood allergies, plus algae blooms are making more and more seafood toxic as well.

So what does that leave?

Legumes and beans such as peanuts and soy beans.

Do you really want to eat soy and peanuts all the time?  Do you think there is enough to supply demand with the prices currently rising as they are?

So this allergy could be something rather bad.  How bad remains to be seen.

Also consider this.  What OTHER diseases are transmitted through tick bites?

Lyme Disease is one of the biggies.

So the main take away from this is use bug spray folks.  Not just on you but spray your pets as well as ticks can hitchhike on your pets into your house and on to you.

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