Friday, August 15, 2014

Inventions I'd like to see

I'd like Subway, Quiznos and all the other sub shops to put a Chef Salad Sandwich on the menu.

I'd like to combine an Adroid Smart phone with a Baofeng UV-5R dual band HT and a Satellite Phone into one piece.  Being sure it still has all of the functions of a smartphone, but adding the ability to use the whole combo for packet or digital communications.  Such as sending files/photos through the cell phone part, the HAM Radio part or the Satellite Phone part, or using it for FM Voice.  Keep the whole package about the size of the UV-5R with the extended battery and make it so you can either drop it into the desk charger or plug directly into the battery through a cigarette lighter adapter..  And you can still plug the whole thing into a computer for programming, transferring files or even use the "Device" as a cell modem.

I'd like an inexpensive single shot take down .22 rifle with a threaded barrel that costs less than $60.00 and can fit inside a piece of 2" PVC pipe when taken down.

I'd like a modern version of the Webley MK VI that is chambered for .45LC.

I'd like Colt to license the Patent on the ACE .22 conversion so it could be put back into production.

I'd like to see a Heads up that can be added to motorcycle and bicycle helmets that has GPS/Compass and other functions.

What would YOU like to see them make?

1 comment:

  1. Full size Para LDA.

    A .22 Luger that works every time, no jams.

    A handheld laser that actually destroys something.

    Trailer tires that last.


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