Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Kilted To Kick Cancer - Calling ALL CORPUS PEEPS

If you live in or around the Corpus Christi Texas Area and own a Kilt, I need your help.

"Kilted to Kick Cancer Is Only 10 Days Away!
Follow @AmboDriver

There have been some big changes with Kilted to Kick Cancer in the past month, the biggest of which is our official 501(c)3 charity designation!

If you plan to be one of our Kilted Fundraisers for 2014, we have a little change in the usual process. Just drop an email to, and tell him the name of the fundraising team you wish to register. It can be your own name, your blog name, your Internet nom de guerre, whatever you like, as long as it’s unique and distinctive, and…

… boom, you’re registered!

Donations can be made on the donation page at the Kilted to Kick Cancer website. Just direct your donors to that link, have them enter your team name and the amount, and you’re golden! We can track all your donations and post weekly update of fundraiser standings, but donors MUST DONATE ON BEHALF OF YOUR TEAM. That’s how we track your progress."

So please send me a message or comment here if you'd like to join Team Corpus Christi.

AND IT IS O F F I C I A L!!!  We are Team Corpus Christi.  So click on the donation link:

And you can click on Team Corpus Christi to join or donate.

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