Monday, September 8, 2014

Afghanistan Elections - Is he a sore loser or is there a conspiracy?

"KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah said Monday that he will not accept the expected official results of the election, breaking a pledge he made to the U.S. secretary of state and injecting new tension into an already drawn-out political process.

Appearing tired and nervous, Abdullah told a nationally televised news conference that he believes he won both times Afghans voted this year - in April and again in a June runoff. He accused election authorities of violating the desires of voters by ignoring widespread fraud and preparing to declare his opponent, former Finance Minister Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, the winner."

This could cause a renewal of the clashes and violence, and it could mean the death of the Afghanistan Government.  Even with US troop involvement, without a stable government, Afghanistan cannot stand.

Then we have more issues in Africa.

"MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) -- The United States and Britain will send medical equipment and military personnel to help contain West Africa's Ebola outbreak, as the World Health Organization warned Monday that many thousands of new infections are expected in Liberia in the coming weeks.

The current Ebola outbreak is the largest on record. It has spread from Guinea to Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria and Senegal and killed more than 2,000 people. An "exponential increase" in new cases is expected in the hardest-hit countries in coming weeks, the U.N. health agency warned."

As I've said MANY times.  We are just one plane ride away from a world pandemic.  And it doesn't have to be accidental.  In one case it MAY be intentional.

"The FBI and CDC are investigating an attack on a federal air marshal who was injected with a syringe full of an unknown substance inside the Lagos, Nigeria airport on Sunday, according to a Situational Awareness notice obtained by

A federal air marshal reported being attacked by a subject while on the public side of the Lagos Airport on Sunday, according to an alert from TSA's Transportation Security Operations Center distributed throughout the agency on Monday afternoon."

It looks like someone is TRYING to intentionally infect people with something.  While this is overt, there are other ways which cannot be detected.  All it would take would be for one person who was knowingly infected with an airborne virus to board a plane.  A couple of sneezes or coughs, and several people to the whole plane could be infected depending on the infection itself.

Too many things are going on in the world for someone to ignore.  And while many people get their only news through facebook or their friends, they really need to open their eyes and look at the whole picture.

"CHICAGO (AP) — Hundreds of children in more than 10 states have been sickened by a severe respiratory illness that public health officials say may be caused by an uncommon virus similar to the germ that causes the common cold.

Nearly 500 children have been treated at one hospital alone — Children's Mercy in Kansas City, Missouri — and some required intensive care, according to authorities."

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