Thursday, September 11, 2014

Kilted To Kick Cancer - Team Corpus Christi

Just to show you that we are out and about a few more pics.

Me stopping by the Corpus Christi Police Department.  Thanks to Sgt. Kirk Stowers of the CCPD for his time.

Me in Front of the CV-16 USS Lexington Museum on the Bay

Ken before he heads into work

Ken at work showing off the Kilt.  We really need to get a pic of him and Mr. Coyote.

Adam is going to try to get me some pics in his Firefighters Kilt and I can post them up later.

Remember you can donate to Kilted to Kick Cancer by clicking on the following link:

Be sure to check the "This Donation is made as part of a Fund Raising Team" and choose "Team Corpus Christi"

Right now we aren't even listed on the weekly stats.

Even though I know I've made a donation under Team Corpus Christi. 

Ken and I will "Dunk Our Junk" and post it if we break $250.00  I'm pretty sure Adam will join in as well. 

Our hope is to break $5,000.00 though.  If we get $5,000.00 before the end of September and we can find a Proctologist willing to help out.  Ken and I will get our prostrate exams while wearing our Kilts and we will film it, (From the front, get your minds out of the gutter) and post it the video.

So remember, Get Kilted and Get your Prostrate Checked.

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