Monday, September 15, 2014

Let us Welcome our New Big Brother Overlords


The Federal Bureau of Investigation has fully rolled out a new biometric identification system that includes facial recognition technology.

The FBI, working with the Criminal Justice Information Services Division, says the Next Generation Identification System is now fully operational.

The system is designed to expand biometric identification capabilities across the country and eventually replace the FBI's current fingerprint system."

So now any camera connected to the Web could possibly be used to track you anywhere in the US or the World.

 Imagine this.  You get a speeding ticket, you hand it over to your attorney to deal with but the new paralegal/law clerk in his office misplaces it.  Instead of being placed in YOUR file, it is placed in just one of the stack of files on the desk.

You thinking the ticket is taken care of, and go on about your life.  Your lawyer will let you know how much and where to send the check.

You get ready to go out with your family and you being a responsible person carry a concealed handgun.  What you didn't know was your court date was yesterday and no one showed up.

You now have a bench warrant for your arrest, your Concealed Carry license is suspended automatically because of the warrant.  You and your family are walking back to your car after a nice dinner out.

A traffic camera takes your picture and compares it to the database, it notes you have a warrant and a suspended CHL.  It immediately alerts local law enforcement of who you are and that you have a warrant and are KNOWN for carrying a weapon.

Before you even get to your car, 3 police cars have come tearing into the parking lot and officers jump out with guns drawn.

All three officers are screaming conflicting orders to you as you raise your hands and try to figure out just what is going on.

Your spouse and kids are yelling trying to figure out what is going on, one of your kids grabs your leg.

Shots ring out.

You and one of your children are shot.  Possibly killed.  Actually with the current state of practice most law enforcement agencies have, it's not just you but possibly your entire family and other people just in the vicinity.

Think I'm exaggerating?

Check this link;  Police Shoot 2 Bystanders

And this one Erik Scott Shooting

Don't think it cannot happen.  It can.

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