Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Make your own Persussion caps

For those like me who shoot muzzleloaders and have been having problems finding ANY percussion caps.  This little tool allows you to cut up a soda can to make the actual cap.  You still have to find a priming compound to put in the caps though.  Many people will use toy caps from cap pistols either the paper rolls or the plastic caps that are all joined together to put in these for a priming compound.

Here is a video of someone using the cap making tool.

I emailed the Kevin the guy who makes these in his spare time.  He charges $50.00 plus $5.00 shipping.  I asked just what thickness of aluminum could be used and he stated he set it up specifically for soda cans however some had used aluminum pie pans but it wasn't made for that thickness.

So if you are having problems finding a place to get a Tap-o-Cap for a reasonable price drop Kevin an e-mail at  kvn440@yahoo.com (I've found Tap-o-Caps for sale at some places, the price ranges from $50.00 all the way up to almost $115.00, however the Tap-o-Cap had problems with the anvil coming loose Kevin's jig doesn't look like it would have that problem)

Now Kevin just makes these in his spare time.  He isn't a major manufacturer, so please if you do order one from him be aware it might take a week or two for him to ship it off to you.  He does have a day job to pay the bills.

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