Monday, September 8, 2014

Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery

I was pointed to this very disturbing report on White Slavery and Child Rape.  Please disseminate this to your readers if you have a blog of your own.

“Easy Meat” Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery

This is a shocking report. It is written with care, but the evidence
is hard to believe. Readers should beware, because there is something
to feel angry about on most pages: the prevalence of the crime; the
length of time that it has continued; its blatancy; the lengths our
authorities have gone to in order to cover up for it; but most of all, the
vulnerability and suffering of the victims.
That anger is going to spread as awareness of this crime spreads.
Denial and damage limitation won’t work any more.
It is hard to think of something more calculated to incite public
violence than the targeting of native girls for rape by an immigrant
population. The use of inter communal rape in the most savage
territorial conflicts testifies to its perception as a weapon, and the fear
of it evokes the most primal instincts

Click on that.  It will open in a new window.  It is a PDF report and it is extremely disturbing.

Another excerpt from the report

Many girls are terrified and with reason... a girl had her tongue nailed to the table when she threatened
to tell. – former government advisor, Daily Mail, 2008  (Page 12)

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