Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Reality TV - Parnormal Reality

"The media has glorified and normalized violence, death and destruction, where murderous acts are looked upon as little more than another way to increase the ratings of a news show. Where horrific images are replayed and rerun over and over again to keep us fixated upon the lowest common denominator………our fight or flight response (fear). And yet we wonder why more and more young people are acquiring assault quality weapons and slaughtering each other and themselves? What a surprise? How many coincidences make a fact?

Remember several months ago when some bored teenagers went out and shot a famous baseball player to death? If this level of murderous insanity prevails, our culture will descend into a the realm of Middle Eastern countries, where no one will ever be safe again. What a shock, this degree of violence is now a normal part of our society! We’ve met the enemy and it’s us!"

Please read that. It shows just how dumbed down TV and the media are making us as a nation.

We are now the lowest common denominator.

How does that feel?

And when you find out just how "Reality" TV is actually scripted.......

"Paranormal Unreality TV

“If you’re such an expert, how come you don’t have your own series?” or

“You can’t be an expert (or someone knowledgeable) on the paranormal, because you don’t have a TV series.”

Yes, I’ve actually had people ask/say that to me, with a few variations. And what can one say to that, other than “Huh?” Frankly, for those people who think the “experts” are only those who have paranormal TV series (including students and plumbers!!!), I have little to say. Although when they are snide about it (and sometimes downright nasty), I have to come back with responses not only about my education and professional experience in the field of Parapsychology (you know, the actual field that studies this stuff, and has for over a century), but also my own TV experience."

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA's) so restrictive that they can make you look like a fool and humiliate you on national TV and they don't even have to pay you to do so.

That is what our world is coming to.

Excuse me waiter?

Check Please..  I'd like to leave.

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