Thursday, September 18, 2014

Some Links

Department Of Justice, Media Matters Coordinate To Attack Reporter

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen: ‘Hard Drive Crashes Continue As We Speak’

Left blasts Clinton in secret emails

CDC confirms respiratory illness in Va.

Doctor: Gov’t ‘Tight-Lipped’ on Respiratory Virus, May be From Illegals

Rep. Chaffetz: Feds Clueless on Terror Suspects Who Entered US

Lawyers Guild Seeks to Indict Obama

An Unbearable and Choking Hell: The Loss of Our Freedoms in the Wake of 9/11

Obama Terrorist Released For Bergdahl, Now Commander For Isis

Occupy OccupyWallStNYC

Public university required students to submit sexual history or face disciplinary action

Obama marks Constitution Day by calling referring to our constitutional rights as “privileges”

Elizabeth Warren: It’s “Fair” to Compare Israel to Nazis

'Security Moms' Are Back—and That's Bad News for Democrats

Austin Police Officer Tries To Paint Police Accountability Groups As ‘Domestic Extremists’ In FOIA’ed Emails

Obama administration forcing new gun buyers to declare race, ethnicity

Former State Department diplomat describes effort to scrub damaging Benghazi docs

A Fifth Armed Service for China

Canadian News Outlet Warns Canadians That US Law Enforcement Officers Will Pull Them Over And Seize Their Cash

Brady Campaign sues ammo dealer, etc.

There’s Been Another Police Shooting Death of a Black Man in St. Louis

BREAKING: Four Terrorists Captured on US Border on September 10 – Day Before 9-11 (Video)

Corner Cases Make Bad Law

Sheriffs in the Southwest: The border is ‘spiraling out of control’

Ex-VA doctor: Phoenix report a 'whitewash'

‘Erection Equals Consent’?

I'll be on the road the next few days.  So I won't be answering e-mails or approving comments until I get back.

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