Monday, October 27, 2014

10 gauge or 11 gauge hulls?

Does anyone have a fired hull for 10 and/or 11 gauge?

I have what I THOUGHT was a 12 ga belgian SXS however a 12 ga shell is swallowed by the chamber. A 2 ga shell will slip easily past the extractor and rattles in the chamber. I can't find my dial calipers, so if anyone has a fired hull in 10 or 11 ga, could I ask you to mail it to me?


  1. If it's a 10ga. and you need some buckshot and/or slugs, let me know - I have some 3½" stuff floating around somewhere.

  2. This shotgun has Damascus/Twist barrel. It's over 100 years old, so anything I load in it, will have to be BP or Pyrodex loads. Right now I just want to confirm which Gauge it is.


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