Monday, October 27, 2014

An ER Physician talks Ebola and the Flu

"I’ve been walking the earth for a half a century, so I’m sure I’ve picked up a bit along the way. I know the Gettysburg Address by heart. I can recite all the presidents. I can taste the difference between Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, and I’m fairly certain I can tell you the starting lineup from the 1976 Cincinnati Reds. But if you ask me if I’m worried about Ebola, if our hospital is ready or if our nurses and staff are up to the challenge, chances are you will probably hear me say this:

“Hell if I know.”

I have been practicing emergency medicine for more than 20 years and I’ve seen close to 100,000 patients. I’ve written a few books, published some papers, lectured a bunch of times, pissed off about 10,000 soccer moms when I wrote an article telling them their kids weren’t playing the pros. I once even testified in front of a congressional sub-committee on hospital disaster preparedness. I’m still beating myself for at least not stealing a pen, but it was part of my duty as the physician director of mass casualty preparedness for our emergency department."

The lowest common denominator to this is "Personnel".  Having enough people to do the jobs they are supposed to do when they are supposed to do it.

Why can't this patient get up to the floor into a room?  Because housekeeping hasn't cleaned the room.  Where is housekeeping?  They didn't come in.  Why didn't they come in?  Because they aren't getting paid enough to risk getting sick.  Or they just didn't feel like coming in.


The kicker quote:

 “Dr. Profeta, will they – the staff, you, your partners – show up? “ “That, I don’t know.”

And what about "Blue Flu"?

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