Friday, October 24, 2014

Black Racial Identity

"The best thing that could happen here is for respectable blacks to take the side of the police. As I’ve pointed out before, the biggest obstacle to black people in America now is this stubborn racial solidarity that leads otherwise sensible people to defend savagery. Italians, Irish, Jews, Poles and other “ethnics” used WW2 as a chance to abandon their ethnic identity and become simply Americans. That often meant abandoning their old neighborhoods and their old neighbors. If you wanted to be a hood, the respectable Irish/Italians/Jews/etc wanted nothing to do with you.

Blacks have gone the other way and placed racial solidarity above all else. Defending ghetto culture may have been necessary in the 50’s, but it is self-defeating today. But, the ruling class needs the blacks to stay at the bottom of the social hierarchy so this is unlikely to change. Ben Carson is shunned by respectable white liberals, but Al Sharpton gets a prime time TV show."

I never thought of it this way, but many other ethnic identities have subsumed themselves into American Society.   However much of the African-American community has not.  Right there in that sentence, I showed just what I mean.

Me, I'm not a Scottish-French-Swedish-Irish-Native-German-Austrian-Italian American.  I'm an American.

I don't NEED any qualifiers to say who I am.  I''m an American, plain and simple.

And yet, the GOVERNMENT itself is focing ethnic and racial divisions on us.






I'm sorry...  But I'm an American.  I'm a Mutt.  There have been reports of Whites, I'm sorry Caucasians who are FROM Africa, when they are told they can't use "African-American" on their passports.  Excuse me, unlike the vast majority of "African-Americans" they are FROM AFRICA!!!  If ANYONE has the right to use African-American, THEY DO!

And yet because of their lack of Melanin in their skin they can't.

I'm sorry, but I've been saying this for years, but the only difference between me and a black person is they have a much better permanent suntan than I do.

And now more and more, the Black Community (I'm NOT going to call them the "African-American" Community unless they are from Africa) is becoming marginalized by their own community leaders and political leaders.  And they are NOT calling them on it.  They agree with being marginalize and yet they then scream about being marginalized.

They need to look into their own community though.  But they refuse to accept that.

They refuse to accept that they have had the wool pulled over their eyes by black leaders and both white AND black politicians.  Like someone who is embarrassed to admit they have been wrong, they keep doubling down on willful ignorance.

And the situation is only going to get worse as politicians and community organizers and others continue to pander to them for their vote.

Many blacks talk about the "Cycle of Poverty", well it's true there is a "Cycle of Poverty" and their own leaders are keeping them in it.  Their own neighbors are keeping them in it.  When smart, self motivated young blacks try to excel, their own neighbors and in some cases their own families, tell them to "Stop acting white" and tear them back down.  They don't want other blacks to succeed, because then it makes them look dumb or lazy.  And they don't want that.  So they drag the good ones back into the cycle of poverty.  And then no one gets to emerge and shine on their own merits.

Identity Politics have done more damage to the black community than anything I can think of since segregation.

And now a large majority of the black community is Self-Segregating themselves, instead of trying to move out of the poverty.

Their community leaders and politicians tell them that they deserve all the rewards without working for them, because they are OWED something.

I'm sorry, the only thing you are OWED is the opportunity to better yourself and your families lives.  If you don't take that opportunity, whatever happens to you is your responsibility, not the "White Man's".  You did it to yourself, you didn't reach out to grab the brass ring.  So don't get upset when someone else takes that brass ring and runs with it.  You had your chance, and you didn't take it.

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