Friday, October 24, 2014

Ebola Patients being "Disappeared"?

I don't normally read Alex Jones InfoWars site, but when Drudge links him as he sometimes does I give it a look to see what claims he is making.

And when I read the following linked story I know there is some truth to it.  As there have been some possible cases of Patients with Enterovirus D68 who went to the hospital and have then "Disappeared" AMA, (Against Medical Advice).  I have a "Friend" who works in the medical field, and they have told me of a death that was from EVD68, but was reported as simple pneumonia, and of several patients, 2 of them children who checked in, then 8-10  hours later checked out AMA and have "Disappeared".  No answer at the phone numbers left, and when medical staff were going to have Law Enforcement and Children Protective Service check on the patients, they were told by "DHS" the patients are being properly cared for and to transfer all records to "DHS".

My "Friend" doesn't have a reason to lie to me, that I am aware of, but if this is true, it is very frightening.

Now on to Alex Jones post.

"A doctor has exclusively revealed to Infowars that health authorities are covering up Ebola cases in the United States and disappearing patients in an effort to avoid hysteria.

James Lawrenzi, DO, who has two clinics in Garden City and Archie, Missouri, appeared on the Alex Jones Show today to warn that the true scale of the situation was being deliberately downplayed. It is important to note that none of these potential Ebola outbreaks occurred at the clinics in which Lawrenzi works."

So if the .GOV is hiding Ebola and EVD68 cases from the public, what ELSE is being hidden?

I hate sounding like a Conspiracy Theorist, but there is too much happening that doesn't make sense legally, medically or ethically.

So make your own determination, read all of the stories, look for yourself.  Don't take my word for it.  Just do your own research.  And you will probably find that things don't quite pass the smell test when it comes to the .GOV's handling of Ebola, EVD68 and other things.

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