Monday, October 13, 2014

Florida Cops behaving badly

“The detention was illegally prolonged in order to wait for the K-9 to arrive which was unreasonable under the circumstances.
According to the police report, even after the PCSO refused to participate in the K-9 search, the law enforcement officers continued to harass the ladies in an illegal attempt to “get them to comply” with the request for “consent to search.”
Amazingly, the police report actually says: “Officer Nirod stated that he would not walk the dog around the truck since we already had probable cause to search the vehicle because two officers smelled marijuana. After speaking to Officer Nirod he attempted to explain the situation to the three ladies in an attempt to get them to comply with our investigation with negative results. We advised all three ladies that they were under arrest for obstructing a police officer from performing a lawful search.”

Florida Fish and Wildlife Officers stepped into it a while back and now there is an update.

And here is my question.  If your search was legal in the first place, you don't NEED my compliance.  So how is that obstruction?

My opinion, and this is ONLY my opinion.  Some cop saw a vehicle full of ladies in swimsuits and wanted to flirt with them so he came up with a BS reason to pull them over.  And when the ladies who KNEW their Rights wouldn't have any of his nonsense he had to keep going further and further to try to keep from looking like he was using his authority to try to pick up women.

I used to be in Law Enforcement and I KNOW cops who have done just that.  Pull over some attractive person, (Male or Female) to try to get information about them they couldn't get otherwise.  Look through old stories about it in St. Louis Missouri back in the 90's I know of 3 cops who actually lost their jobs and 1 who went to jail for doing that.

So now these ladies are being hit for charges basically for "Contempt of Cop"

Excuse me, I thought only a Judge could make that type of determination.

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