Monday, October 20, 2014

How can Congress do their job when Obama and the Dem's hamstring it?

"WASHINGTON — No one knows if the Obama administration will manage in the next five weeks to strike what many in the White House consider the most important foreign policy deal of his presidency: an accord with Iran that would forestall its ability to make a nuclear weapon. But the White House has made one significant decision: If agreement is reached, President Obama will do everything in his power to avoid letting Congress vote on it.

Even while negotiators argue over the number of centrifuges Iran would be allowed to spin and where inspectors could roam, the Iranians have signaled that they would accept, at least temporarily, a “suspension” of the stringent sanctions that have drastically cut their oil revenues and terminated their banking relationships with the West, according to American and Iranian officials. The Treasury Department, in a detailed study it declined to make public, has concluded Mr. Obama has the authority to suspend the vast majority of those sanctions without seeking a vote by Congress, officials say."

Remember this is the man who time and time again blames Republicans in Congress for not passing Bills he wants passed.  And yet he and the Media also ignore the over 300 Bills The House of Representatives HAVE passed and his buddy Harry Reid have not even allowed to come to the floor for a vote.  (That last link goes directly to to the GOP.GOV site which lists ALL of the bills passed.)

I'm sorry Mr. President, you don't get just the Bills YOU want passed.  You get the Bills that many of the Congressperson's Constituents want passed, because we are TIRED of you thinking this is a Theocracy, Monarchy or Dictatorship run by you and your Cronies.

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