Thursday, October 30, 2014

Obama Administration setting us up for either a Pandemic or

a total take over under a type of martial law.

"Instead of grappling with these concerns, and tightening some of the parameters around how quarantine would be used through a revised regulation, the Obama Administration abruptly pulled the rule, and replaced it with nothing. President Obama signed a patchwork of executive orders to give CDC clear quarantine authority in regards to some emerging respiratory pathogens like SARS and MERS. But the regulation interpreting the federal quarantine authority remained outdated."

No policy in place.  So when not if Ebola starts to have outbreaks in the general population, the Obama Administration will have no choice but 'benevolently' take over.

There are many people who think that I'm blowing those out of proportion and Ebola can't become an issue and a dozen or more things I'm supposed to be wrong about.

Are you willing to risk your families lives on the possibility that I am wrong?

Are you willing to risk your children's lives?

When a simply paying attention and getting involved in the legislative process could prevent this?

Call your Representative, Call your Senator.  Call your Governor.  GET INVOLVED!

Make the people who are supposed to represent and lead DO THEIR JOBS!

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