Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Pentagon Wars : From Wikipedia

"In attempting to meet the demands of his superiors, Smith has labored for eleven years without promotion or advancement; when the Bradley is finally approved, he gets his long-awaited promotion to Brigadier General. Smith is a living example of how difficult, if not impossible, it is to develop weapons in an above-board manner; now, as he acerbically explains to Colonel Burton, since completing weapons is the only path to promotion, or lucrative positions in the private sector, the majority of the Pentagon's officials prefer to fake test results, and pass defective weapons and equipment on to the troops in the field."

M2 Bradley

The M2 Bradley, or Bradley IFV, is an American infantry fighting vehicle, or light tank, manufactured by BAE Systems Land & Armaments, formerly United Defense as part of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle family.

As with other light tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, the Bradley is designed for reconnaissance and maneuverability. The Bradley is also designed to transport a squadron of infantry, providing them protection from small arms fire, while also providing firepower to both suppress and eliminate most threats to friendly infantry. The M2 can hold a crew of three: a commander, a gunner and a driver; as well as six fully equipped soldiers.

The total cost of the program is $5,664,100,000, and the average unit costs $3,166,000.

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