Thursday, October 30, 2014

The US is full of Duke's

I've been rereading my Heinlein, and I've just started Farnham's Freehold again.

And I'm not even out of the first chapter, when it hits me.

Our nation is full of Duke's.  The over coddled sons of the protagonist of the story.  Who thinks he knows everything just because he is a Law school Graduate.  And he reset when Hugh his father time and time again proves that Duke is wrong.  And not just wrong, but stupid and wrong.

From Wikipedia

"Hugh Farnham, a middle-aged man, holds a bridge club party for his wife Grace (an alcoholic), son Duke (a law graduate), daughter Karen, a college student, and Karen's friend Barbara. During the bridge game, Duke berates him for frightening Grace by preparing for a possible Russian nuclear attack. When the attack actually occurs, the group, along with Joe, the family's African American servant, retreat to the fallout shelter below the house."

All through the book, Duke does everything he can to undermine Hugh in a bid to somehow prove himself "Right".  And he continually gets it wrong.

That is what our Nation has come to.

A bunch of over coddled "Duke's" who wish to wrest control away from the people who DO know what is going on, and are trying to do something about it in SPITE of the "Duke's" interference.

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