Tuesday, October 21, 2014

There will be no future for shooting as a sport if we don’t allow our kids to learn,

In the Land Down Under, more and more young ladies are learning to shoot competitively and that has the Anti-Gun SJW's fuming.

"QUEENSLAND schoolgirls are picking up guns in record numbers.

Recreation and competition shooting associations are reporting a surge in junior members, particularly girls, a trend that is firing up Gun Control Australia which is pushing for a ban on under-18s handling firearms."

But the most pertinent quote in my opinion has to be: "There will be no future for shooting as a sport if we don’t allow our kids to learn,”

That is the Anti's entire point!

They DON'T want there to be any tradition of the use of firearms. They DON'T want ordinary people to know how to use firearms. In PARTICULARLY females. How else can they make the defenseless who will have to turn to the Big Giant Protective Brother Government, and vote the way they are told to?

H/t Firehand

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