Friday, November 21, 2014

Hickok45 - Chiappa Little Badger

I actually am considering getting some of these for the kids.  Plus I want one for myself also.

I wonder if I can work a deal for 11 of these in .22LR.

One for each of my kids, my 2 nephews and my niece, then of course one for me.

I do wonder however how hard customizing one of these is.

I personally would like to be able to take it down completely easily without tools, and to make the butt stock and buttplate a little thinner.  It look like it is about 4.5 inches tall, maybe work it to make it similar to a wire folder without the side foldiing.

Modify the 2 wires coming out like the pic above and make the butplate a little smaller.

Now someone is going to ask me "Why?"

I want something that will take up as little room as possible, so I can fit more gear into the same space.

If it can be taken down into 2 parts, that buttstock is still rather large/wide.  If I am using this as a backpack gun or a truck gun, I want it as small as possible and as light as possible.

Chiappa has gone very far in those 2 regards, however there is always room for some improvement.

Remember, Better is the enemy of the Good.

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