Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Israel to ease firearm restrictions

"Israel is to ease controls on carrying weapons for self-defence after a deadly Palestinian attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said on Tuesday.

"In the coming hours, I will ease restrictions on carrying weapons," he said in remarks broadcast on public radio, indicating it would apply to anyone with a licence to carry a gun, such as private security guards and off-duty army officers."

About time, only notice it is eased only for those who already have a license to carry.

What about the rest of the country?

Doubletapper  and I have chatted a few times through Google Messenger and he has tried to get me to either get my kids to go to school there or move there myself.

I told him, with the gun laws the way they are in Israel, no way.

I would have less freedom to own and carry a gun that "I" wanted to, in Israel than I would in Texas or Missouri.

Plus you can only buy an "Approved" handgun.  Screw that!  Plus I wouldn't be able to own a rifle unless I was active in the Military.

I'm sorry I enjoy shooting too much and due to my various injuries I can't carry one specific firearm at all times.

I need the flexibility to choose the proper firearm for the situation.

Be it short's and a t-shirt, a Kilt with a polo shirt or a suit and tie.  Each situation calls for a different type of firearm.

And Israel wouldn't allow me to have that flexibility.

So I'm glad they are easing their laws for their Citizens.  However they still have a long way to go.

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